Step 4: Midway Point- Tips & Encouragements

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Step 4:  You have made it to the halfway point, perhaps you’ve done 2-3 studies so far.  Here are some other tips as you are continuing to have bible discussions.

  • Pray for opportunities to share about how Jesus is at work in your life. What difference does he make in your life as you cope with stress, relational problems, and financial pressures?
  • What happens in between meetings is as important as the study itself because the study is just one aspect of your relationship. Meet one-on-one with participants, especially if the study has more than two people, to continue to nurture the friendship and also provide an opportunity to debrief the study.
  • If you have prayed for your friend over the course of the past few weeks, ask him/her what has happened as a result of that prayer.
  • The midway point is a good time to do an assessment of where your friends are at.  You could ask them:  “On a scale of 1-10, 1 being you don’t believe in God at all and 10 being you want to start following Jesus, where would you put yourself?”  (Let them answer)  You could ask them a follow up question about why they chose that number.
  • Keep going!  God may be working underneath the surface, so keep asking God to show you how he is working in your friend(s).

Additional Resource:

COMMON BARRIERS TO FOLLOWING JESUS:  A document that shares about common barriers to following Jesus and a response to each


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